
  • DNA–protein interactions

    Check out our structure–function article series, in which we collate Reviews that present important structural findings and illuminate their mechanistic and functional significance.

  • Spanners with embryos

    Share your Tools of the Trade

    Are you an early-career researcher who is working with a cool tool or method? Would you like others to learn about it? Let us know! We are introducing Tools of the Trade articles to showcase the role of ECRs in driving technological advancements in molecular cell biology. Email us at the method/tool you'd like to write about and why it's important.

  • ECR initiative

    Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology is committed to facilitating training in peer review and to ensuring that everyone involved in our peer-review process is appropriately recognised. We have therefore joined an initiative to allow and encourage established referees to involve one early-career researcher in our peer-review process.


  • Verheyen and Gottardi revisit two seminal papers by the Basler, Peifer and Clevers labs elucidating the role of nuclear β-catenin in Wnt signal transduction through its interaction with TCF at Wnt target genes.

    • Esther M. Verheyen
    • Cara J. Gottardi
    Journal Club
  • Claire Durrant reminds us of the importance of studying the physiological roles of proteins and their aggregates to understand their roles in disease and inform therapies, discussing a 2008 paper on amyloid-β from the Arancio lab.

    • Claire S. Durrant
    Journal Club
  • Stephanie Moon discusses findings that revealed that ribosome stalling can lead to the suppression of translation initiation in the brain, delaying the onset of neurodegeneration.

    • Stephanie L. Moon
    Journal Club
  • Robert Parton and colleagues discuss novel evidence on the role of dynamin in caveolar endocytosis, which calls into question established models of dynamin-mediated fission.

    • Robert G. Parton
    • Justin W. Taraska
    • Richard Lundmark
  • Reversible S-palmitoylation regulates gasdermin D cleavage, membrane translocation and pore formation to control pyroptosis following bacterial infection.

    • Lisa Heinke
    Research Highlight

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