
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

About Journal

The International Journal of Latest Research In Science and Technology (IJLRST) is a distinguished, peer-reviewed, open-access, interdisciplinary journal published bi-annually. We wholeheartedly endorse a rigorous refereed process, ensuring the highest standards in scholarly evaluation. Our commitment lies in advancing theories, methodologies, and applications within the vast domain of Science and Technology. Upholding the utmost ethical standards, IJLRST strictly adheres to the guidelines established by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

eISSN :  2278-5299

DOI :  DOI:10.29111/ijlrst

Member : 

Frequency : Bi-Annual

Licence : Articles Publish under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license

Email : editor.ijlrst@mnkjournals.com

Call for Paper Vol. 13 , Issue 1 , 2023
Submisison Deadline :
Paper sent to editor
Our Editors
    Dr.asmaa ashoor ashoor

    college of education for pure science university of Babylon

    Country  :   Iraq
    Dr.Amir Pouya Ghandehari Yazdi

    food research Zar Research and Industrial Development Group

    Country  :   Iran
    Dr.Rajdip Devidas Utane

    Chemistry  Sant Gadge Maharaj Mahavidyalaya, Hingna Nagpur -441110

    Country  :   India
    Dr.K.V.L.N. Acharyulu

    Mathematics Bapatla Engineering College,Bapatla-522101,Andhra Pradesh, India

    Country  :   India
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