Welcome to Heredity

Official journal of the Genetics Society, publishing the latest research covering a broad range of topics within the field of genetics. 


  • SI cover

    The newest special issue in Heredity focuses on unconventional chromosomes such as supernumerary chromosomes, sex chromosomes, largely heterochromatic chromosomes etc., with the overarching aim of understanding their peculiar inheritance patterns with respect to the genetic features that underlie them.

  • Mosquito

  • Mosquito population structure and gene-drives
  • Gene-drives hold great potential for the control of biological pests, but first they need to be thoroughly tested under appropriate conditions. In this episode we discuss some new work assessing whether mosquito populations in Northern Australia could be used to test a gene-drive targeting malaria mosquitoes.
  • Songbird

    We are pleased to announce the winner of the annual prize for the best student-led paper in Heredity for 2023. The quality of papers was very good, and we would like to congratulate all authors for their contributions. It was challenging to select a winner from so many excellent submissions, but the award for this year goes to Ellen Nikelski.

  • Portrait photo of Louise Johnson

    Louise Johnson is an evolutionary geneticist whose research combines bioinformatics, theory and experimental work. She did her PhD at Imperial College on yeast mating system evolution, followed by postdocs at Nottingham and the University of Virginia on transposable elements. She came to Reading on an RCUK Fellowship in 2006 and is now an Associate Professor of Evolutionary Genetics, working on...

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Special Issue: Mendel’s laws of heredity on his 200th birthday: What have we learned by considering exceptions?

This Special Issue celebrates Mendel’s 200th birthday by focusing on exceptions to the Mendelian ‘laws’. Discovery in science is often driven forward more by exceptions than by rules. In genetics, Mendel’s laws of heredity provide the basic ‘rules’. Recent decades have seen an explosion in discoveries that violate these rules, which has driven the field of genetics forward. Indeed, these ‘exceptions’ can shape patterns of inheritance and can have important impacts on evolutionary processes. Genetics Society Executives: Jason B. Wolf, Department of Biology & Biochemistry and The Milner Centre for Evolution, University of Bath, Bath, UK Anne C Ferguson-Smith,, Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK Alexander Lorenz, Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
